Because you are on a small screen, a few adjustments have been made for mobile. This site is still desktop designed, but your experience on a mobile device should hopefully still be less malarky. Note that layouts and designs will be different than desktop.
Reduced motion, an experimental site feature, has been enabled, because reduced motion is enabled in your device settings. Some widgets may be hidden. I don't think this changes anything outside of the homepage.
the following accessibility features are enabled:
- Reduced Motion
- Increased Contrast
- Reduced Transparency
please note that just because a feature is enabled doesn't mean the entire site is compatible with it. these features are still a work in progress
welcome... to the very first website that was ever made on the internet! the revolution is here, and its only just getting started!
- put all art
- finish character pages
- dig through my bookmarks to add to the directory
- make a guestbook archive
- improve the text reading experience
To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!
what are you supposed to put on your homepage

adopted from Neonriser!
February 9, 2025
updates have really slowed recently, and that's because i have been more busy. i have been working more, doing schoolwork, and working on bettering myself. as a result, im somewhat stressed and tired.
with that said, i did translate a css generator web app from chinese to english. i don't think its worth linking to here, because its for a social networking service that i know none of you use.
site updates almost every sunday, blog posts and content updates whenever
Site Update ArchiveRemember: sign the guestbook before you go