this works like any other file explorer. you can use the sidebar to navigate, or use the breadcrumb at the top of the page to go back. try it, click "buttons" to go back


the older layout was better

why is everything overorganized?
it needs to be. its scary when its not.

Look at these awesome buttons that I made. You can use these in your site as long as you don't hotlink them. Credit isn't required, but is appreciated.
You can click on a button for more information, a bigger view, and to download it.
Use the links at the bottom of the sidebar to go back to my website.

all of the buttons, all in a list in alphabetical order. click on a button to be taken to the folder it is in. this should overcome any issues where you cannot find something because i am too organized
if you are trying to find something, search without spaces, as i dont use them for the file names

buttons that YOU can customize.

this is the current button i am using for my site. you can hotlink this button, so that way it will automatically update! the embed code can be found at the bottom of the main page.


use my janky button editor to completely customize your twitter suspension button. just click the color changing button at the end of this row. i know, its really easy to tell the difference between that and a regular button

do you guys remember when jailbreaking was a thing haha we should bring that back

buttons inspired by the different noise cancellation modes you get on airpod pros. ain't nobody usin these.