Playboi Carti - I AM MUSIC Album Review
March 14, 2025
Welcome to the article where I lose almost all the credibility that I never had.
After waiting about 5 years, Playboi Carti has dropped a new album. I don't listen to Playboi Carti, but I'm still going to give my thoughts anyways.
It seems everyone has been trashing on MUSIC, saying how it's terrible. But to be honest, it really isn't that bad.
The album starts out weak, but starts to get better the closer you get towards the middle. However, after the middle, the album starts to get worse. That reveals the main issue with MUSIC: the album is too long, and the length isn't justified.
A lot of the tracks simply aren't that memorable. Most tracks don't feel like they have unique "sections" outside of a different artist singing. So many elements feel rushed, it feels like Carti didn't even listen to any of the songs after he made them.
With that said, not everything is so bad. The songs are upbeat, energetic, and mostly everything you would expect from a Carti album. However, for being something that had a wait this long, I can really see why fans were underwhelmed.
- POP OUT: Immediately off to a bad start, I don't like this one. It feels like he's just speaking and adding adlibs over a beat. I don't want to be that kind of person, but I also understand this is the intro track.
- CRUSH: This one is already better, I like it much more because it feels like much more thought went into it. With that being said, it doesn't do much for me.
- K POP: This is definitely a personal preference, but I really don't like the singing in this one. It reminds me of a friend trying to put on a funny voice, except nobody thinks it's that funny.
- EVIL J0RDAN: The gunshot sound effect when the beat dropped made me smile. I thought this one was a little bit silly, but it isn't bad either.
- MOJO JOJO: It almost felt like Kendrick Lamar was making fun of Carti on this track, especially in the intro. The rest of the song was alright.
- PHILLY: I feel like I'm just saying "the track was alright" for all of these, but this is the first track that stood out.
- RADAR: I think that things are finally starting to get good. This track is honestly just a great time.
- RATHER LIE: This song works good as a pop song. This makes sense, as it features The Weeknd. So far, it feels a little out of place, but at the same time, it isn't bad. I feel this is going to become one of the most popular songs out of the album.
- FINE SHIT: I feel (don't know why I keep saying "I feel", it should be obvious this is an opinion piece) the album is really starting to come together around this point. With that being said, for a rap album, this song feels a little out of place once again. However, with the last track that at least made sense as it featured The Weeknd. This one doesn't.
- BACKD00R: Another fun track. I like the "hollering" voice used in the track beat. Mixed with the rather dry and "calm" vocals, I think it works together well.
- TOXIC: The middle part of this song is really good, I enjoyed every part of it. Really not much else to say about this one, good stuff.
- MUNYUN: Although it feels this track is missing something, I really like the ending.
- CRANK: By this point in the album, I'm starting to notice that the vocals are much more memorable than the beats. This isn't a bad thing, but rather just an observation.
- CHARGE DEM HOES A FEE: The adlibs in this one are really annoying. They sound like someone trying to imitate a crow. On top of that, the lyrics feel ambitionless. Saying "charge dem hoes a fee" over and over again gets boring quickly. Yes, I will admit I don't like Daft Punk for a similar reason.
- GOOD CREDIT: This one is just Fine. I don't have anything else to say.
- I SEEEEEE YOU BABY BOI: The beat on this one feels good, but that's it.
- WAKE UP F1LTHY: The autotune that Travis Scott uses combined with the beat scratches a part of my brain that I like. I get that Travis is just like that, but I kinda like this one.
- JUMPIN: The sped up voice whenever Carti says "I'm jumpin' off drugs" sounds nice, but you can't make out what the voice is actually saying. I get this doesn't matter because it sounds good, but it's just weird.
- TRIM: The adlibs in this track just don't work. They feel super out of place for some reason.
- COCAINE NOSE: When I listen to this one, I feel like I'm in a warehouse that needs to be evacuated. And I like that, I think its fun. The vocals are just alright, but the rest of the track makes up for that.
- WE NEED ALL DA VIBES: Usually whenever I see something with the word vibes in it, I feel the need to avoid it at all costs. I don't know why, there is something about the word. With that said, the song isn't all that bad, but it isn't really good either.
- OLYMPIAN: When I think of Playboi Carti, this is what I think of. High, upbeat beats and fun vocals that are just on the edge of being unreadable.
- OPM BABI: This is when I start feeling like the album is dragging on. Long albums aren't a bad thing, but these tracks just feel tacked on in order to make a longer album. Some of these songs could've at least been saved for a deluxe version. This track is just fine, but it just feels like filler.
- TWIN TRIM: Way too short of a track, and feels out of place on this album. Half of the song is the introduction.
- LIKE WEEZY: This one is also just fine.
- DIS 1 GOT IT: This is another song that feels like filler. It isn't really fleshed out.
- WALK: Feels like a good outro track, but maybe that's because the song has an outro.
- HBA: This track would've worked better towards the start of the album I think. At this point, I just want to be done with this.
- OVERLY: Another track that feels like a demo.
- SOUTH ATLANTA BABY: Not a terrible track to end an album with. The beat is good, and I like the ending.