im gonna admit it, i am not the best at consistency or making a easy to navigate site. so, here's a sitemap! it should contain all of the pages on my site, unless i was stupid and forgot to add it. some pages i also have not included here, because i think at least some discovery is fun, ya know?


badges on pages may not accurately represent their current state, because, you know, lazy. also sorry they just look like regular links. but here's a guide on what they mean anyways

wip - work in progress

dir - directory. page may just be a place where i dump files. as such, pages contained inside of them may not be listed on this sitemap.

archive - things that aren't really updated anymore, but instead are kept for the sake of keeping them

homeaboutartbloginterestsmoresite updates2023 updatesartgallerybuttonsphotogalmusicnowplayingfavsongsfavarchivefavalbumsonepointfavwebsitesdirectorygraveyardreadingdownloadsiphone appsnintypearchivewordpresswebsitearchgoogle siteshomepage archivechatroomchromebook tricksschool speedrunningfart gamers indiaidle fileidle file v0.01idle file v0.02idle file v0.03listsglunkgamerquizyomommarandom screenshots

this minimap behaves weird. darn my past self for not writing it good

can't find what you're looking for? try our work in progress "ai" assistant! but remember, just because its not listed in the site map doesn't mean it doesn't exist!