December 4, 2023

It feels like all I really do is work on my homepage. I really need to work on the other pages. But with that said, check out the new features on my homepage! I have added widgets and redid the navigation to make it support more links. You will find that buttons are also now on the left side of the screen.
There are also regular widgets on the right side of the screen. The widgets are cool because they display data from websites other than my own. You can see my latest rating on RYM and Letterboxd, my recent scrobbles, latest blip, last update, and visitor counter (this one is broken). I personally think they look great (especially the glow when you hover over them). The only problem is that they make the homepage shorter, and I'm running out of things to put on the homepage.
I have also added a sitemap, so it should be easier to find content on my site. Honestly, there wasn't as much stuff there as I thought there would be. The all about me page should also have more information.
I still need to work on adding content and theming to pages other than my main page, because the rest are lacking and kind of ugly.
Anyways, it's kind of hard to believe that I suddenly have 8 followers on here. I don't know how to end this.