ever find a website on neocities that clearly has a purpose, but you cannot figure out what it is? this is a page where i will try to find a backstory and context to these websites.



bbynews is a news aggregator for news posts on 5channel, a bulletin board like fourm thats a sequel to 2channel. 5channel is basically the japanese version of 4chan. for more information about 5channel and 2channel, check out the wikipedia article. on bbynews, you can click on a link to go to the 5channel post for it. it takes news posts from the following boards/categories:

  • 速 - breaking news
  • 芸 - art and culture (entertainment, music, sports)
  • 東 - east asian
  • ビ - business
  • 科 - science
  • 萌 - moe/otaku (okaku basically means "nerd")
  • 政 - political
  • 国 - international news from twitter
  • 実 - commentary (the majority of posts are self-posts)
  • 痛 - painful/emotional news

note that i am not fluent in japanese, so i had to use translation software and vibes, so these categories may not be 100% accurate



NeoFoodClub is a tool for the Food Club NeoPets minigame. the minigame is basically a gambling game, where you can bet NeoPet currency (i obviously don't play neopets) on eating contests. this gives you an interface with more stats and advanced features, and then generates a link which you can use to place bets in the actual NeoPets game.